Collage of two blue MG's and one white MG
Why Go Electric? Here at Baylis MG, we’re on-hand to provide you with everything you need to know about making the switch to electric and hybrid motoring, as well as detail those MG models currently available.

The benefits of buying electric

Making the change to all-electric or hybrid performance not only provides significant benefits to the environment around you, but will also make significant changes to your everyday life. Running costs are more affordable, road tax is often free of charge, and with fewer mechanical components that can go wrong, even maintenance represents impressive value. With additional advantages including instant torque delivery and a nationwide charging network, there’s never been a better time to switch.

Key benefits include

  • Lower CO2 levels
  • Improved fuel economy and running costs
  • Government grants to help purchasing
  • Instant torque

Type of hybrid/electric vehicles explained

The various types of low emissions models available vary in operation. Learn more about your options today.


    Battery Electric

    A battery electric vehicle is one that runs solely on electric power. An electrical charge provided by a suitable outlet will top up the lithium-ion battery, which itself is used to power the vehicle’s motor and functions.


    Hybrid vehicles are those models that feature a battery powered motor that complements the traditional fuel engine, improving power delivery and fuel economy. These predominantly self charge through regenerative braking.

    Plug In Hybrid

    As the name suggests, plug-in hybrids require charging at a suitable outlet. These models can also perform in all-electric mode for a certain period of time, meaning you can get the best of both electric and fuel power.

    Electric vehicle FAQs

    View some of the most frequently asked questions regarding electric and hybrid motoring.

    What is a Hybrid Car?


    A hybrid vehicle is one that utilises an electric motor to complement the performance of a traditional fuel-powered engine. The addition of such a feature often means you can drive in all-electric mode for a set range, thereby emitting zero CO2 emissions and boosting the economy of the vehicle.

    Hybrid vs plug-in hybrid


    Mild hybrid vehicles - i.e. those with self charging technology - are often able to simply complement the performance of the fuel engine, sometimes providing all-electric capability for a short period of time. Plug-in hybrids, meanwhile, provide a greater range thanks to being able to hold a greater charge in its battery.

    Where can I charge my electric car?


    A number of home charging solutions are available for electric cars, while public charging points - such as those found at petrol stations and supermarkets - are available across the UK, with more being added all the time.

    What is regenerative braking?


    Regenerative braking is an intelligent system that converts energy normally lost during braking into an electrical charge for the battery. As such, you will be able to charge vehicles featuring such technology as you go.

    Can I charge an electric car at home?


    Yes. A host of solutions - ranging from a cable for a traditional three-pin outlet to dedicated high wattage chargers - are available. What’s more, government grants are often available to make installation more affordable.

    How often do hybrid batteries need replacing?


    Hybrid batteries are designed to last for at least 100,000 miles, with many able to cover 150,000 miles with ease before they need replacing. Speak to our sales experts today for more details.

    How do electric cars work?


    Replacing a traditional combustion engine with a battery-powered motor, electric cars are able to provide instant torque and impressive range all from one charge. The battery requires regular charging at a suitable outlet, available both at home and in public.

    Close up of MG car detailing
    Other Electric Services Got a question or need help with an electric vehicle? If you're looking for your next vehicle, our teams across the country will be happy to assist to help meet and exceed your requirements. Click on the link below to get in contact with your local retailer.