Your safety matters most.

Click on the link below to book your winter safety check

Get ahead this Winter with a comprehensive All Makes Approved Winter Safety Check, for just £45 and receive a Free winter pack as a gift (includes De-Icer, Screen wash and Scraper).

It includes everything you need to get prepped for the rainy days ahead, from battery and tyre checks, and vital fluid top ups.

You can be confident that all checks are completed by our highly trained technicians, following strict safety procedures to ensure your car is returned to you in top condition this winter.

What’s included in the 29-point vehicle health check?

Lights / Electrical

External lights 
Internal light
Wipers and washers
Heating ventilation and A/C

External / Internal

Brake noise / feel
Clutch / transmission operation
Engine noise / smoke
Glass / mirrors
Seat belts – security and operation

Under Bonnet

Fluid levels – oil / coolant / screenwash
Fluid leaks – oil / water
Battery condition / security 
Drive belts

Brakes / Hubs

Brake fluid condition / temperature
Master cylinder / servo
Linings – pads / shoes
Discs / drums
Hoses / pipes / cables / wheel bearings


Steering / suspension
Drive shafts / gaiters
Oil leaks
Exhaust system / catalyst 

Wheels / Tyres

Nearside front
Offside front
Nearside rear
Offside rear
Tyre pressures (check & adjust accordingly)
Check tyre inflation kit

Fluid top-up (where needed)

Brake fluid
Engine oil
Clutch fluid
Power steering fluid

Winter Check Terms and Conditions

Offer ends 28th February 2024. Retail customers only. Applies to petrol/diesel passenger cars only. Price is Baylis recommended maximum retail price. Price includes parts, labour and VAT. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer or Vauxhall Service Club.Is/ only available to vehicles with up to four cylinders and up to 2000 litre engines.

The Baylis Winter Check 29-Point Check is a visual vehicle inspection of certain parts of the vehicle only, carried out by a qualified Technician. It is not a full assessment of the condition of the vehicle and the vehicle driver remains responsible for monitoring and maintaining the vehicle in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Top ups of vital fluids up to ½ litre where required. These are, Engine oil, Screen wash, Brake fluid, Clutch fluid & Power steering fluid.

Winter essential kit is supplied free of charge whilst stocks last.

Recommended remedial work will be chargeable

Baylis reserves the right to change, amend or withdraw the offer or amend pricing at any point in time.